I’m Ned, 24, single, white male. I’m a totally chill, fit and an all around good guy who’s just looking for a dude that I can pound Keystones with, watch Shawshank and generally bro out.
Vipera University’s Anaconda Adoption Club started with honorable intentions. Unlike more mainstream organizations that symbolically adopt manatees or parts of the rainforest, the students in the Anaconda Adoption Club focused on what they believe to be a much “cooler” animal.
Buzzsaw Asks Why: Chipotle Is Such a Big Deal?
by Catherine Fisher February 29, 2012Ithaca’s latest chain restaurant, Chipotle, has opened, and for the past week, it seems as though everyone with a working digestive system has lined up out the door as if they’ve never had a burrito in their life.
Homeless now less fortunate
Patient certified in having extensive knowledge of Grey’s Anatomy
Buzzsaw Asks Why…Ithaca Hates the Holidays?
by Catherine Fisher December 7, 2011a.k.a why am I still here? Nobody likes finals week; it’s five days of cramming in all those Power-Points you pretended to take notes on…
Soon-To-Be Grad Suffers Quarter-Life Crisis
by Brianna Pennella December 7, 2011Friends report concern after student buys retro Gameboy and aspires to become an astronaut
Here are just a few of our generation’s archetypes. Which one are you?
Ex still listed as “in a relationship” on Facebook
Local Teen’s Soul In Mortal Peril After Dying Hair Red
by Catherine Fisher November 9, 2011Family and friends are deeply concerned