From famous Hollywood stars to Manhattan couples, divorce fights between the rich and pretentious are becoming a more regular occurrence. The greed-fueled feuds happening behind closed doors are over lavish beach homes, family-owned business empires and Italian leather furniture.
Freshman pledge pulls faux pas of the year
In a city as environmentally conscious as Ithaca, it comes as little surprise that wind energy is beginning to pick up momentum. Weaver Wind Energy has begun developing a new style of wind turbine that adjusts to changes in the conditions to optimize energy output, and Black Oak Wind Farm in Enfield is beginning construction of a farm that could ideally power all the households in Tompkins County.
To vote or not to vote, that is the question. With elections coming up in less than two months, college students are beginning to think about which candidates are worthy of their vote or whether they are even planning to vote at all. -
Cover cat falls from grace
Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day and dinner a satisfyingly hearty affair, but brunch is without a doubt, the fanciest of meals. Even the idea of brunch is rooted in a delicious decadence — sleeping in, enjoying a leisurely meal in the late morning, often staving off the effect of last night’s shenanigans.
Until his 21st birthday, Ithaca College senior Lance Jackson had never experienced any kind of alcohol besides cheap, college party beer.
IC releases new admission and academic options
What is it about designers that make us seem to put on rose-colored retail glasses when making purchases? Yes, it may seem to be a good deal, but is that rather average blouse even worth the discount price? -
The Dubai International Airport has no walls in the terminals. In the crushing midday heat — more than 120 degrees Fahrenheit in the dry months — walls would be of no use.