Do you recall the moment when someone first told you that you had just turned a whole year older, and it registered? It may have…
Buzzsaw's 25thFeaturedUpfront
The Importance of Independent Publications
by Alefiya Presswala March 1, 2024When I first took Intro To Journalism in the Fall of 2022, we learned this quote from Thomas Jefferson: “were it left to me to…
Buzzsaw's 25thFeaturedUpfront
What the Great American Novel Can Offer Us
by Maggie Childers March 1, 2024This year, we look forward to many anniversaries, one in particular being the 75th anniversary of The Grapes of Wrath. Steinbeck’s novel is considered one…
And I’ll Make It All About Me If I Want To We are in the party dark ages. I said it, I won’t take it…
Buzzsaw's 25thFeaturedSawdust
So you’re 25… time to start planning your funeral!
by Stephanie Tokasz March 1, 2024Stephanie Tokasz is a Senior Film, Photography & Visual Arts major who demands the Victorious Cast perform a song at her funeral. You can reach…
Buzzsaw's 25thFeaturedNews & Views
by Noah Darling March 1, 2024Around 25 years ago, an idea was born: a bright spark of creativity among eight people at Ithaca College. No, I am not talking about…
I once convinced myself that I longed for the power of change. I promised myself that I liked its fickle flavor and its fleeting nature.…
Buzzsaw's 25thFeaturedProse & Cons
Thoughts and Utterances from a Man in Over his Head
by William Edwin Cherico March 1, 2024This seems a lot worse than it is. I can clean it up, but we really shouldn’t do this again We’ve only got so much…
There’s something so sweet about eating a clementine. And not just the tangy pleasant citrus that dances on your tastebuds. But the way the tart…
Your great aunt used to make me dragon costumes, It made me feel like she was my aunt, too. I’d keep them in my costume…