You won’t even remember all of this celebrating happening to you. It’s your first birthday. Gooey Chuck E. Cheese pizza and ice cold Sprite cover the table as your friends all sing in unison. It’s your sixth birthday. The rented out bowling alley flashes black lights and only your best friends show up to celebrate with you this year. It’s your thirteenth birthday. The luxury of a country club fits all of your family and anyone else you tangentially know. You’re hoping, praying, for a car. It’s your sixteenth birthday.
Then suddenly birthdays mean almost nothing more than a Facebook wall post, a text with emojis, a limp hug from your parents, a party you have to plan for yourself because no one else will. You’re 20 with a year remaining until you can drink legally, and a few more until you can rent a car, but at least you’re not a teenager anymore. You’re 20, and nothing matters, but everything does because two decades is a hell of a long time when you think about it. The things that can change in 20 years — politics, the economy, the way you see the world. But some things stay the same. After 20 years, it’s hard to get rid of ‘em… like Buzzsaw. Happy 20th.