An Examination of the Romantic Fiction Community If you happen upon a video about reading on TikTok, there’s a good chance you’ll be recommended a…
If you ever happen to walk past my table in the dining hall when I’m having a meal with my friends, you might hear a…
Butterflies? In your tummy? You should probably get that checked out. Just kidding, you’re probably fine! Crushes happen, and it would certainly seem like most…
Why Do We Have Them? As a psychology major, I find myself constantly looking at things from a psychological view. If I could, I would…
Stan Culture and Celebrity Love If you’ve managed to find yourself on any social media website in the last decade, or have any Gen Z…
When we look back on our high school careers, we can all agree that it was an experience; some loved it and others hated it…
Prequels, reboots, remakes, sequels, spin-offs, requels… We’re running out of words to call these things. Over the past few years, we’ve seen a ridiculous resurgence…
Have you ever been told to stop acting ‘childish’ when you are upset? Or to grow up when someone else feels like you are being…
What We Can Learn From Our Media Reconsumption Habits A fire is crackling, a warm blanket is wrapped around you and a cup of tea…
Real World Influence in the Horror Genre Monsters in horror films come in all varieties—masked killers, power-hungry demons, animals that are stronger than they should…