The sanitization of uncomfortable history By Carly Smith You might laugh if I told you that history changes, and more often than you would think.…
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WEB EXCLUSIVE: You Got Some Eggsplaining To Do
by Jessica Levine October 12, 2010In August 2010 about a half billion eggs were carted off of store shelves and pulled from household refrigerators nationwide as the result of a recall implemented when over 1,000 people reported illness stemming from these tainted eggs.
Putting a price on clean-up By Marc Phillips Every other Thursday morning, my family goes through the same ridiculous routine—cleaning the house for the cleaning…
By Shaza Elsheshtawy
Body cleansing and detoxification diets are sold as the ultimate way to rid the human body of all of the toxins they accumulate from high-sugar, highly processed 21st century diets; they clean bodies up and leave the dieter feeling physically, and sometimes mentally, rejuvenated. -
Sleep deprivation is a problem common among college students. Between schoolwork and socializing, it can be hard to find the time for the recommended eight…
The unhealthy ways companies sell us their drugs By Isabel Braverman Everyone knows the shtick—you go to the doctor’s office, talk for 20 minutes about…
How students illegally buy prescriptions to finish their work and have a good time
By Marc Phillips
When teenage smoking peaked in the 1970s, parents were urged to check their children for cigarettes. When underage drinking became prevalent in society, parents were commanded to put a lock on the family liquor cabinet. When prescription drug abuse soared among adolescents, watchdog organizations stressed the importance of flushing excess pills. But when parents send their children off to an independent college setting, without constant adult supervision, they wonder if any of the previous lessons stick. -
By Amelia Blevins Every kid has dreamed of dressing up as their favorite super-hero to kick some ass and take some names. But no one…
Why people should think twice before judging students who use drugs By Quinton Saxby It is quite an experience to walk around campus on a…