The danger is that we start using the word “we” in slogans without having done the work to create this “we.” We have spent so much of our lives treating so many of our problems as personal, as our own, that the myth that we are all alone with our problems has become something of a reality.
Shaun Poust
Intelligent Design rehashes old criticisms of evolution I have never understood how, in the 21st century, there could possibly be any debate about whether Darwinian…
The American Population is Disconnected from War (2)
by Shaun Poust March 2, 2011Why overcoming our apathy about conflicts abroad is impossible By Shaun Poust In 1991, French thinker Jean Baudrillard published a collection of essays on the…
A note on society’s huge messes By Shaun Poust Cleanup is on the agenda. We need to clean up the air; it’s full of pollution.…
By Shaun Poust My home is drowning in the warm flood of a summer night—I am preserved in my room, at my desk. I can…
By Shaun Poust Capitalism: A Love Story is Michael Moore versus capitalism. It is funny, well-made, touching at times; but you shouldn’t see it for…
Seek the truth, inform the public and tell both sides to every story, even if the other side is bullshit: these are the tent poles of news journalism. Here’s why that foundation is illogical.
By Shaun Poust When I met New York Times film critic A.O. Scott, I caught him in what he called a “moment of vanity.” He…
Fox Searchlight 2008 By Shaun Poust James Bond, that testosterone-mad, gadget-hording, reckless, chauvinistic, super-violent super spy, was only ever likable if you understood him as…