The mechanics of the American immigration system Mauricio Rosa walked, hitch-hiked and swam to the United States to escape the violence of the El Salvadoran…
Isabella Grullon
Censorship of the truth in Trump-era journalism Donald Trump’s relationship with the media is psychologically abusive, and the media is suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Most…
Work, play and fatigue in the modern age Worker’s rights have been an ongoing and non-settable issue for what seems to be forever. Ever since…
Why multicultural education misses the mark We all used Elmer’s school glue on our cute arts and crafts projects in elementary school. It left a…
How the conflation of patriotism and nationalism has militarized society In 2008, a baseball fan in Yankee Stadium was forcibly ejected by an officer for…
Colombia’s desire to re-negotiate with FARC is not failure For 52 years, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia waged war against the Colombian people, bringing…
How hosting the Olympic Games changes a nation The Rio Olympics have been deemed a total disaster by some, and an accomplishment by others. The…