1. please please please save me from certain death
6. your favorite wasterlander’s favorite wastelander
7. come with him if you want to live
10. Bella Swan did not fuck around
2. The obvious answer
3. They’re going down, we’re yelling Timber
4. She and her wrecking ball would come in handy
5. he’s Kenough, need I say more?
8. As long as he’s Still Standing, we’re good (plus he has a rocket!)
9. His “Dundie” would be “Best Sidekick”
10. They’re Not Like Us (by “they” I mean zombies)
Across: 1. Sabrina Carpenter 2. Chappell Roan 3. Schwarzenegger 4. Kristen Stewart | Down: 2. Chuck Norris 3.Pitbull 4. Miley Cyrus 5. Ryan Gosling 8. Elton John 9. Steve Carell 10. Kendrick |
Grayson Theirrien is a first-year theatre studies major whose bomb shelter is the TMZ headquarters. You can reach Grayson at [email protected].