As told by Darius, the Vampire
Day 1
Hello Journal. It is I, Darius Mihai, Vistier under the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, writing to you through this intricate and intriguing screen of the digital contraption. It is strange, I must confess, to record such thoughts with this mode but nevertheless I find myself able to adapt to the times just as I have done since Romania.
I write to you, my Journal, during a time in which I find myself desiring to cleanse my soul of my past from when I was once living. And I could see none better than transcribing my thoughts and progress to you, my Journal. I have made the honorable decision to swear off the bloodthirsty and barbaric, albeit enticing, practice of drinking one’s delicious blood from their body. Today is the first day I hold myself accountable for my past actions against the living and strive towards a better, moral future.
Day 82
Greetings my friend. I wish to stop for a moment to write to you about my progress with my fasting of all blood. I must commend myself for my actions thus far. You see, my Journal, I was walking along the concrete roads—Oh! how have times changed from the dirt paths I used to travel on, but I digress—when I came across an infant riding a colorful running machine. Suddenly, the infant fell off and crashed rather harshly onto the ground. The child screeched horrifically and it gave me a nasty headache, I must admit to you. But as I drew near the fallen child, I smelled the luring metal smell and saw the sweet crimson liquid fall from the child’s knees and elbows. Oh how I wanted to act upon my bloody desires. Nevertheless I restrained myself when a lady came rushing out to help the poor child. All but applaud me, my Journal, for I am too modest to receive such praise.
Day 135
My dear Journal, I come at a time in which I would like to update you on my position to never drinking the main source of my diet ever again. My progression seems to continue smoothly. But I must admit to you, my friend, of a step in my plan, as I could never lie to you. I have discovered that my senses have heightened since my declaration to be free of that sinful act.
As I walk through the town with the rest of civilization around, I notice that I can hear the villagers’ heartbeat, the flow of their blood through their veins as each breath, each step they take their glorious muscle pumps the thing I wish and live most for. But alas! I used to live for the blood of men. This century is a new day for me to live for something else. I have successfully withheld for 135 days; I can make it many more moons.
I don’t understand Edward’s problem of sustaining life without blood or even endangering those around him. It is not such a difficult task, he just lacked the willpower to control himself! Those vegetarians think they are better than the rest of us. I will show them and those ladies that do nothing but swoon over the mention of that family. I will show them all being vegetarian isn’t as pure as swearing off blood for all creatures.
Day 4653
Journal, I apologize for my late reply as it has been a struggle abstaining from the liquid that sirens me close. Even now as I write, I can sense blood—I mean the human creatures that hold delicious—I mean I can hear humans from miles away.
I decided that the best course of action for me would be to seclude myself in an area as far away from the temptation. I am surrounded by nothing of green, but do you know what compliments the color green, my dear Journal? The color red. Curse me, I must stop these thoughts when I want to go vegan.
But nevertheless, I shall prevail against the enemy. I shall become like that person that separated himself from society. That Henry David fellow seemed wise. I must follow this ideology.
Day 67154
My dear companion, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to speak of the very essence that calls me. I fear I must take myself away from you to withstand myself. But if I do so, I will be lost to the increasing power over me. I must… keep… my vow.
Day 68432
My journal, I am in need of your guidance.
Day 285636
I… can… no longer…
Day 285637
I have realized, Journal, that a problem does not live in me but in the entirety of vampire kind. They are the source of my agony and everlasting pain. How dare they put pressure on my morality of drinking blood and become a foul creature like themselves or to remain any shred of humanity we have after our first turn. Perhaps I should just disassociate myself with the corrupt society that makes up that community.
Day 288621
Journal, I must write a confession to you I can take nowhere else, as the only other place wishes to stake me in the heart if they were learn of my true identity. I have failed you, Journal, as my only wish was to show everyone of the good left in my soul. But now I have completely blackened and find no ability for redemption. I was so ashamed and sickened, I even retched up the metallic liquid when a drop grazed my tongue.
To any outsider, I will still hold face and remain the model young vampires need. But I hold a dark secret no one must utter again. To this I bid you adieu.
Your once faithful companion,
Darius Mihai
Kimberly Caceci is a second-year writing major who tried veganism for a couple days but thought it was too much effort. You can reach them at [email protected].