I don’t watch sports often. When I do, I usually just stare at the TV screen, trying to make sense of the chaos. When something important happens, the people around me start shouting in victory or anger while I just look down at my phone. Most of the time, these reactions are caused by a player scoring a point. From what I’ve gathered, a point is awarded to a team when they do something good. When a team gets enough of these points or has more than the other team after a time limit, then they win the game. Win enough of these games and the team has a chance to play in a special type of game against another team that also won a bunch of games. After this special game, the whole thing resets.
It seems like players try to accumulate points to declare themselves better than other players. So maybe a more appropriate question would be “What is a point?” I’m not sure anyone can answer this. It’s a made up unit that measures a team’s skill and it’s awarded at a different rate per situation. Points have no monetary value. Players can’t trade in their points at the end of the game for a stuffed panda. And each point earned eventually gets taken away at the end of a season. What I want to know is, where do all these points go after the final game? I like to think that, at the end of the world, the last human alive will stare over the remains of civilization. Then, a divine being will descend down from above and will reveal the meaning of life and the value of a point.
Your editor in arbitrary units of measurement,
Will Cohan