Monday: “Forecast lookin’ good this whole week! Should be a nice weekend for Applefest!”
Wednesday: “Oh wow this whole week has been super nice! I can’t wait for Applefest this weekend!!”
Friday: “Oh my gosh it’s so sunny for the first day of Applefest, this is amazing! Finally I’m going to remain dry this year!”
Then Saturday Mother Nature is just like LOL NO.
Every. Damn. Year.
Okay, it’s bad enough that the 50-year construction project forces the streets of Ithaca into a complete state of confusion and detours, but at least we can plan for that. We can adjust, adapt and overcome. Ithaca is no stranger to construction. My freshman year, I didn’t even know about the Clinton Street Bridge because it was such a scene. It was the most pleasant of surprises when it opened, and I realized I didn’t have to go around the entire commons just to get back up to campus.
But this damn weather. I get it, I chose to go to a school in this miserable gray hellhole (and I mean that in the most loving way possible). But if we’re going to have all these awesome outdoor festivities, perhaps we can consider a rain date or something? Because this seems to happen quite a lot. All I want to do is eat my Apple Crisp (shoutout to Madeline’s for stepping up with some bomb-ass crisp in the absence of Purity) without having to worry about it becoming apple stew from the rain dripping down my face.
And before you say, “Well what do you expect anyone to do about it? You can’t control the weather!” Yes, thank you Sherlock for that astounding deduction. We cannot control the weather. What we can do though is build a giant clear hipster umbrella that we can place over the city during various fests and there you go, problem solved. #sawdustout.