As you likely know by now, dearest reader, Buzzsaw is turning 20 all 2019. Our magazine came together in 1999 when eight Ithaca College students were so angry with the world around them that they decided to write about it. In the 10-year anniversary issue of Buzzsaw from ‘09, the founding editors cited their motivation for the birth of what, at the time, was known formally as Buzzsaw Haircut. For some, it was hate that turned into love — anger that turned into art. Many of the founders cited unfulfilling experiences writing for The Ithacan. They wanted to create an outlet that was better. We think they were successful (but we’re a little biased). So here’s to our founders for giving us an excuse to talk a lot of shit and write it all down. Here’s to our past editors for upholding what this magazine is, to our present editors for continuing to fight the good fight, and to our future editors who we already know are gonna continue to kick journalistic ass.