College drinking habits mirror addiction It’s a familiar feeling — Friday night and the sharp smell of liquor is in the air. Students will probably…
Fulfillment in a materialistic society When it comes to spiritual fulfillment, each individual has their own needs. Be it through religion, relationships or even work,…
Ecological impaces of the virtual web The Internet is our access to knowledge, our connection to one another, our source of entertainment and, more recently,…
The Toxic Relationship of the Century If we examine the United States in terms of the food it produces, it is likely that your mind…
I feel I am essentially the same person I was when I was five. I like to believe that all humans are like this, that…
He liked to open up his cabinet and find her wine glasses inside, Her lipstick stains in the sink. And so now they were his,…
When people tell me they love me, I say One Tooth fast and stretch my lips into a smile. The wuh sounds like luh and…
Prose & ConsQuench
The Ramshackle Christmas and My Dad’s Lemon Pepper Pasta
by Mila Phelps-Friedl February 27, 2017The first Christmas I returned to the place I’d grown up, nearly four months had passed since I had seen my dad, and everything was…
I. I smelled your cologne coming from a body that wasn’t yours calling me over to ask if there’s anything that reminds you of me…
Feel the balmy air on your lips All sweat and skin and sighs Dreamy bruises collect like passport stamps on pale flesh Come and take…