Bananas for 49¢
Consistent low prices!
It’s easier to switch—
Switch by phone, in store or online!
(He’d find that one funny)
Fruit: Fresh Cut
Watermelons $7.98
Regular is cheaper than non-fat?
Peppers for $5.99
Cucumbers $3.29
You pay more for a pound of watermelon
Than you do for a pound of beef—
What did the watermelon ever do
To warrant such disrespect,
Except just be a watermelon?
15% discount
Aisle 18 has “Ethnic Foods”
That’s rich…
99¢ donuts rich!
Single file aisles,
Single file lines.
(I think about escape routes for us)
Eggs are item #1 out of a million others
Sour cream & onion: a poor man’s French onion
Stocked under,
In case they attack,
He diverges from the line.
Pay by the pound
“Let our spirits move you!”
Touch fruits and vegetables,
Touch peaches and eggplants.
Yet his aura is orange…
Peel an orange and that smell lingers—
In hallways stretching beyond our two feet,
In streams flushing from the tip.
In kisses on the back steps, no patio—
On a rainy day, no shine—
Shirt getting wet, no cap—
Except now Dad’s moved my mattress out…
And the register scanned “courage” as “careless.”
Is it just me,
Falling in love
With the way the words sound?
With the way things are done?
Am I fawlty or careless—
When carefully in love?
Less of a focus on sanctity,
Less of a focus on austerity.
Taste… at an affordable price!
Take your shirt off and whisper your sounds
The nature of sex,
The safety of sex;
My whims and wishes,
My wandering sunsets and your cypionate.