The sun rose so quick
I couldn’t comprehend
I got lost in the swirls of light that wrapped me up
Held me close
Warming away the worries and anxiety that kept my body cold at night
I stared in awe of the bright oranges, yellows, pinks
The colors that had no names
Just feelings
The colors that were the essence of all things good
I stared straight at the sun
Knowing it could hurt me
But not caring
Because beauty and warmth
Cost no price too high
I kept staring at the sun after it had risen
And the sky turned blue
The day went on and the sun remained high in the sky
Clouds passed by
Rain fell
But through it all the sun remained
Shining down on me
High in the sky
Soon, I got used to the sun being there
So confident it would be there when I looked back up
That I stopped looking
I turned my gaze to the ground
My eyes were tired
It was in that moment
That brief moment that I entrusted the sun to stay high in the sky
Even as I turned away
That the sun began to set
Like the sunrise, it wrapped me up, forcing me to stare at its departure
This time even brighter oranges, yellows, pinks covered the sky
The nameless colors turned aimless
And the essence of the colors turned from good
To goodbye
The sun fell behind the clouds
Then the trees
Then the mountains
Until it was just the ghost of the sun that remained
A splattering of colors still haunting the sky
The wind turned cold
The moon came out
The colors faded to black
The day was done
The sun decided the day was done
And I was left shivering
As the wind of the nighttime tapped my shoulders
Asking me
“What now?”