Tyler, The Creator, you are my idol.
Read why below:
Idol: a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved or revered. Seesaw asks: who do you idolize?

“Why isn’t Tyler, The Creator everyone’s idol? Most people have either extreme admiration for Tyler, The Creator or an extreme distaste towards him. For the latter, most people find his personality funny, but disregard his music. Tyler, The Creator has acquired a bad reputation for his foul language and offensive behavior in some of his earlier albums such as Bastard and Goblin. Despite this, what I admire most about Tyler, The Creator is his encouragement for everyone to “find their wings.” In a recent post by Tyler, he advises fans to stop reaching for the stars, because the stars a limit. Tyler may be abrasive with his words, often saying if you don’t like yourself that’s “so fucking sad” and you should “stop that shit.” To some, this may seem inconsiderate and rude, but I think it displays Tyler’s initiative to be happy in life. He doesn’t need things to be sugarcoated. As humans, life should not be stressful and complicated, and we shouldn’t try to make it be. Tyler’s brutal honesty, love for life, passion for music and his momentum are all things I deeply value in him. Not only does Tyler, The Creator produce music, but he also has created a unique brand for himself. In 2007 he helped co-create hip-hop musical group, Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All (OFWGKTA); and then In 2010 he created his clothing company, Golf Wang, further pushing the ideas of standard clothing companies. Golf Wang is compiled of bright colors, funky patterns and basic shapes. In 2016 he held the first Golf Wang fashion show, which generated a lot of publicity among celebrities and Tyler fans alike. The GOLF fashion show transcended standard fashion shows and allowed the audience to enter an alternate reality, inside Tyler, The Creator’s mind. Tyler, The Creator makes me want to be a better person. His music and personality inspire me to continue pursuing my career in art, and encourages me to cross boundaries and enter into a world of things I don’t know.” - Julia Tricolla, 20

"I always felt like a bit of a weirdo because I never settled into one style or group of people. I was always changing and I didn't know which version of myself was the authentic one. But, when I was 14 I was given a book about David Bowie that made me feel okay with being a chameleon. His style was never static; his music and clothing choices evolved as he moved through his career and life. I fell in love with Bowie for his obscure fashion choices and his absolute disregard for outside judgement. He was my inspiration throughout my teenage years and he led me to feel comfortable in my uncertainty. David Bowie made the weird kids feel alright. He made it okay to change and to tell the world you didn't care. Bowie is my idol because he showed me no matter who I was in the moment, I was always myself. Losing him was like losing a close friend, but I know he's traveling the universe somewhere out there, and I can't wait to meet him in space." Meredith Dunham, 20

“Britney Spears is my idol because although she had to deal with tough circumstances in her life, she was able to pull herself together and make her career even stronger than it was before, and that’s dope as shit.” - Emma Rothschild, 19