by Alexa Salvato
that i’m going to get a tick bite that i can’t see
and die from immediate fatal lymes disease
that new york city will sink when i visit
because it’s too full and we shouldn’t all rationally fit
that when i’m scared someone’s going to grab me
capitalize on my vulnerability
that my mom is going to ruin my life
by reading my diary
that i’m going to bleed through my pants
when i’m at the board doing math
that i’ll fall asleep and drown
while taking a bath
that no one will really
actually love me
that i’ll never get to have a baby
that i’m going to faint again but no one’s going to find me
that there’s something wrong with my heart (how it skips beats so often)
and i keep rescheduling my appointment to get an ekg
that no one will ever call me
unless i call them first
that i will have too many feelings
be too scared to share them
and burst