Image by David Lurvey
peeling back layers
old rotten seasoned skin
scraping away old membrane
in place for the new
the untold story
secret center core
prize not worth keeping
a pestilence, burden
what’s left of the
vertebrae just bare
naked-ass bones
splitting to pieces
shattering like pots and pans in
the museum to display
works of this crazed
happy man ?lling
his gluttonous wallet
knives splintering the grounds
on which he walks
waiting. sitting still
then running in place
sitting and waiting for the
check to arrive in the mail
or the time he has to nail
his next great work to the
wall in lieu of
places he fears and desires
most for people viewing misery and
glooming the mysterious
ways that was grouped
there in that place
there in that way
the blood and the veins
split open and put on display
for everyone to see
or no one at all
one doesn’t comprehend
two converse but get nowhere
three’s crowd labeled
unknowing and undeserving
of the time,
leaves changing, falling,
decomposing into the
composition of the millennia
millions of years
spent trying but not working
moving but not forward
back to the places
where you, me, I, and everyone
just does not get it.