How much is too much when sharing personal information?
By Stephanie Black
People like to talk. Whether or not they like to admit it, everyone loves spilling the juicy details of their personal lives, either privately with their friends or publicly on the Internet or other media. There are, of course, certain guidelines that are to be adhered to when dishing out this “sensitive” information, including whether you would want to know about it and its level of relative grotesqueness.
But what happens when people take the telling too far?
It all started on Facebook. While scrolling through my cluttered mini-feed, I happened to stumble upon a curious-looking YouTube video posted on a grade-school friend’s wall. “Couple Unites Over Horsing Around” was its questionable yet incredibly intriguing title. Needless to say, I couldn’t resist. Wow. In no possible way could I have prepared myself for the testimonial that lay ahead.
Left with the overwhelming feeling of total shock after viewing the atrocious clip, I quickly deleted my entire web history. Resisting the urge to burn my laptop, desk and eyes, I tried without much success to forget what had just been branded into my brain—a seemingly normal couple openly boasting about their love for each other—and their mini-stallion. The woman warmly reflects about oral sex and intercourse with the animal, while the man chuckles passionately about the joy he gets from allowing the mini-stallion to penetrate him.

Image by Zachary Anderson
Many students have had their days ruined by this mini documentary about the hardly accepted lifestyle practice of copulation with animals.
As a proud ally of those who choose to lead sexually alternative lifestyles, I do not often find myself questioning the moral aspects of the physical limits of love—between humans. However, when the relative innocence of beasts is taken advantage of for the sake of human physical gratification, that’s where my understanding stops.
There does exist a natural curiosity for sex and pleasure within every human that pushes the boundaries of normal, but when some of the more outlandish and potentially harmful fantasies are manifested, where does society draw the line?
Zoophilia, sex between humans and animals, is surprisingly common, though in popular society it is frowned upon. Laws of all kinds have been passed in the courts of countries all across the globe. Not surprisingly, the act of zoophilia is illegal in most regions. In the United States, 30 states have laws making the act illegal. In some, it is considered a misdemeanor, but the remainders of the 30 have bestiality constituted as a felony. Montana, North Carolina and Arkansas have laws on the subject that are currently in flux, and the other 17 states do not have any specific legislation outlawing the act.
There are several countries, mainly in Europe, where bestiality is completely legal. Among those that “accept” the act are Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Switzerland and Sweden. Bestiality is also legal in Mexico. It turns out that often times the sex is perpetrated by the animal, not necessarily the person involved. However, that doesn’t go to say that the human receivers aren’t enjoying themselves.
It should be noted that in most countries, zoophilia and bestiality are considered animal abuse. In the countries where zoophilia is legal, it is under the conditions that “no harm has come to the animal.” Okay, great—how are we supposed to judge if the animal is harmed or not?
It’s not like they are capable of having pillow-talk afterwards.
In the controversial YouTube video, the couple explains that they know their mini-stallion enjoys the sexual experience with them because he makes “grunting noises and blows in their ear.” That sounds a little speculative on their behalf, seeing as animals make grunting and blowing noises even when they are not having sex.
Having sex is a normal part of life. Almost everyone does it, so it’s not a big deal- unless you brag about it to an extent that makes people uncomfortable. This isn’t an issue of what is right and wrong, but an issue of what is OK and not OK to talk about. It’s totally cool that people talk about their sex lives, but there is always a line that shouldn’t be crossed. This video… well, let’s just say the line was definitely ignored.
Stephanie Black is a freshman drama major who thinks you should just say neigh to fucking horses. E-mail her at [email protected].