Hello friend. So good to talk to you again, or wait, how silly of me! We’ve never met before have we? You’ll have to please excuse my manners, I’m just terrible with first impressions. Sorry. Allow me to introduce myself. My name’s Bradford Eisenstein and I’m a 57-year-old lifetime Ithaca resident. I have friends who say it must be like living a life in (excuse my language) hell, spending so much time up here in the freezing cold. All I have to say to them is this: “I thought hell was supposed to be hot.” That one always cracks me up.
But anyway, good jokes and small talk aren’t why I’m here to address you folks. What I’m really talking about here is stories. Everyone I’ve ever seen in my life has at least one of them. Maybe this seems obvious to you all but for me it was an epiphany I came to last week while I was in the Commons. I walked into a bar and saw a man throwing up all over the floor, really making a mess all over the place. As he got tossed out by the bartender, I wanted to know his story. How in the world did he get so drunk? Then I saw the man who came to clean up the vomit. He was around my age and didn’t look happy. How did he get to this point in life? I wanted to ask him this but I really did think he would have punched me right in the kisser. Now that would have been story, am I right?
This all brings me to our mission here at Sawdust Lifestyles. There’s many good stories starring people from Ithaca and the surrounding towns, so we’re gonna tell them. Some of them might be feature stories and others may be first person accounts. Whatever it is, we’re dedicated to telling your stories.
So brace yourselves ladies and jellyfish, because we’re gonna hear stories from different people in the area every week, starting soon! I can’t wait, and I know you must be excited too. You probably won’t be hearing from me any time soon, but I’ll be checking in every once in a while to talk about what my favorite stories, or maybe music, or whatever; I’m a very spontaneous person! But enough rambling out of me, I think you get the idea. On behalf of Sawdust Lifestyles, we hope to see you soon!
Your New Friend,
Bradford Eisenstein